1891 – German businessman B. Gantke commissioned a nail factory near Goriainovo station
1909 – B. Gantke relocated the factory from the right-bank of the river to the left one to expand the production facility territory and to master pipe production.
1909-1911 – Reconstruction of the mill and commissioning of new shops: mechanical, electric, thermal power, and the railway transport ones.
1913 – Commissioning of the pipe shop with «Bride” tube-rolling mill.
1914 – Nationalization of the mill: the signboard at the entrance control post says: “Nizhnedneprovskiye State sequestered mills of B. Gantke”.
1920-s – Establishment of the research and design department, accounting and financial services, and departments of capital construction, master mechanic, and chief power engineering specialist.
1922 – The mill gets the name of the German revolutionary Karl Liebknecht; arrangement of the Factory Training (vocational training) School.
1931 – Commissioning of the open-hearth shop.
1932 – Launch of the first Soviet drill pipe production at the pipe shop.
1935 – Commissioning of the first wheel-rolling and pipe shops in the USSR.
1936 – Arrangement of metallurgical furnace maintenance and communication shops and technical control division.
August 1941 – A decision is made to evacuate the plant: 6 special trains with equipment and employees’ families were relocated to Ural production enterprises.
1941-1945 – More than 1000 plant employees fought at the World War II battlefronts and 289 of them never came home from the battle fields; 6 workers were awarded the honorary title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
1943-1948 – Post-war revitalization of the mill.
1943 – Arrangement of the production department and labor and salary division, as well as the drop-hammer and maintenance and construction shops.
1955 – Commissioning of the electric-welded pipe shop.
1962 – Introduction of the first Soviet radio-frequency welding of pipes at the electric-welded pipe shop.
1962 – Launch of the bearing pipe production shop (Tube-rolling shop No 3).
1968 – Commissioning of the European largest Tube-rolling shop No 4 with a 5.12 Pilger mill.
1975 – Commissioning of the Tube-rolling shop No 5 (mill 140); arrangement of the control and automation equipment shop.
1983 – Tube-rolling shop No 3 launches a unique floor for production of high-precision pipes for submersible electrical motor and electro-submersible pump bodies.
1987 – First ring at the ring and tire line was rolled.
1994 – Establishment of the Joint-Stock Company “NTRP”.
1994 – The mill becomes the first CIS facility to obtain American Petroleum Institute certificates, granting the right for OCTG pipe production.
1995 – Commissioning of the vacuum-degassing unit at the open-hearth shop.
1996 – The mill becomes the first CIS facility to obtain TUV certificate for production of railway wheels, competitive at the global market.
2001 – Establishment of INTERPIPE NTRP Development Institute.
2003 – The Wheel-rolling shop becomes the first CIS facility to arrange and commence serial production of rolled wheel centers for railway wheels.
2007 – Nizhnedneprovsky Tube-Rolling Plant is renamed into Open Joint-Stock Company “INTERPIPE NTRP”.
2008 – Tube-rolling shop No 4 becomes the first Ukrainian facility to master UPJ – a new type of the corrosion-resistant gas-tight threaded connection.
2008-2009 – Commissioning of unique floors for finishing and control of wheels for export.
2012 – Shutdown of the open-hearth shop production due to the launch of “INTERPIPE STEEL” electric steel-melting complex.
2013 – Commissioning of two “Linsinger” sawing floors, enhancing pipe and wheel processing quality.
1909 – B. Gantke relocated the factory from the right-bank of the river to the left one to expand the production facility territory and to master pipe production.
1909-1911 – Reconstruction of the mill and commissioning of new shops: mechanical, electric, thermal power, and the railway transport ones.
1913 – Commissioning of the pipe shop with «Bride” tube-rolling mill.
1914 – Nationalization of the mill: the signboard at the entrance control post says: “Nizhnedneprovskiye State sequestered mills of B. Gantke”.
1920-s – Establishment of the research and design department, accounting and financial services, and departments of capital construction, master mechanic, and chief power engineering specialist.
1922 – The mill gets the name of the German revolutionary Karl Liebknecht; arrangement of the Factory Training (vocational training) School.
1931 – Commissioning of the open-hearth shop.
1932 – Launch of the first Soviet drill pipe production at the pipe shop.
1935 – Commissioning of the first wheel-rolling and pipe shops in the USSR.
1936 – Arrangement of metallurgical furnace maintenance and communication shops and technical control division.
August 1941 – A decision is made to evacuate the plant: 6 special trains with equipment and employees’ families were relocated to Ural production enterprises.
1941-1945 – More than 1000 plant employees fought at the World War II battlefronts and 289 of them never came home from the battle fields; 6 workers were awarded the honorary title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
1943-1948 – Post-war revitalization of the mill.
1943 – Arrangement of the production department and labor and salary division, as well as the drop-hammer and maintenance and construction shops.
1955 – Commissioning of the electric-welded pipe shop.
1962 – Introduction of the first Soviet radio-frequency welding of pipes at the electric-welded pipe shop.
1962 – Launch of the bearing pipe production shop (Tube-rolling shop No 3).
1968 – Commissioning of the European largest Tube-rolling shop No 4 with a 5.12 Pilger mill.
1975 – Commissioning of the Tube-rolling shop No 5 (mill 140); arrangement of the control and automation equipment shop.
1983 – Tube-rolling shop No 3 launches a unique floor for production of high-precision pipes for submersible electrical motor and electro-submersible pump bodies.
1987 – First ring at the ring and tire line was rolled.
1994 – Establishment of the Joint-Stock Company “NTRP”.
1994 – The mill becomes the first CIS facility to obtain American Petroleum Institute certificates, granting the right for OCTG pipe production.
1995 – Commissioning of the vacuum-degassing unit at the open-hearth shop.
1996 – The mill becomes the first CIS facility to obtain TUV certificate for production of railway wheels, competitive at the global market.
2001 – Establishment of INTERPIPE NTRP Development Institute.
2003 – The Wheel-rolling shop becomes the first CIS facility to arrange and commence serial production of rolled wheel centers for railway wheels.
2007 – Nizhnedneprovsky Tube-Rolling Plant is renamed into Open Joint-Stock Company “INTERPIPE NTRP”.
2008 – Tube-rolling shop No 4 becomes the first Ukrainian facility to master UPJ – a new type of the corrosion-resistant gas-tight threaded connection.
2008-2009 – Commissioning of unique floors for finishing and control of wheels for export.
2012 – Shutdown of the open-hearth shop production due to the launch of “INTERPIPE STEEL” electric steel-melting complex.
2013 – Commissioning of two “Linsinger” sawing floors, enhancing pipe and wheel processing quality.